Who we are

WORC - Work is spelled with a C today, because corporate culture - Culture - and the ability for transformational change - Change - have become real competitive advantages more than ever. #cultureeatsstrategyforbreakfast

As a management consultancy specializing in culture and change, we are a professional team of consultants who specialize in supporting companies in the development and implementation of cultural change and change processes. Our team consists of experienced consultants with profound knowledge in the areas of organizational development, change management, corporate culture and leadership development.

We have many years of experience in working with companies of different sizes and industries, both nationally and internationally. Our consultants work closely with clients to understand their individual needs and goals and provide customized solutions.

Our approach is characterized by a holistic understanding of companies as complex systems in which culture, structure, processes and people interact. We attach great importance to analyzing, understanding and specifically transforming the existing corporate culture in order to achieve the desired cultural change.

Our consulting services include conducting culture analysis, vision and values development, culture transformation support, employee engagement, leadership development and change management. We work closely with our clients to develop individual strategies and measures to help them achieve their goals.

Our goal as a management consultancy with a focus on culture and change is to help companies implement successful change, build a positive and productive corporate culture, and achieve long-term success. We bring extensive expertise, methodological skills and experience to the table to help our clients overcome their organizational challenges and realize their full potential.

What we stand for

As a management consultancy with a focus on culture and change, we stand for a variety of values and approaches. Here are some of the key points we stand for as a consulting firm:

Holistic approach: We view the company as a complex system in which various elements such as culture, structure, processes and people are interconnected. Our approach aims to support change at all levels and develop a holistic understanding of the organization.

Culture transformation: We recognize the importance of corporate culture as a driver of success. Our consulting services aim to understand the existing culture, define the desired culture, and develop actions to enable culture transformation. We help companies create a positive and productive culture that supports their strategic goals.

Change management: We accompany companies in change processes and help them to deal successfully with challenges. Our consulting is based on proven change management methods and aims to minimize resistance, engage employees and promote acceptance of change.

Customized solutions: We understand that every business is unique and has individual challenges. Our consulting services are tailored to meet the specific needs and objectives of our clients. We work with them to develop solutions that are aligned with their corporate culture, strategy and employees.

Sustainability: We value sustainable changes that bring long-term success. Our goal is to help companies be competitive in the long term and adapt to changing market conditions. We promote sustainable change that strengthens the organization and enables it to grow.

These points give you an overview of what we stand for as a management consultancy with a focus on culture and change. Our goal is to support companies in building successful and sustainable organizations by developing and optimizing their culture and change processes in a targeted manner and ensuring sustainable transfer efficiency in everyday work.

What we do

With a focus on cultural change and transformation, we support companies in analyzing and transforming their existing corporate culture and successfully implementing change processes. Here are some of the specific activities we do in this area:

Cultural Analysis

We conduct a thorough analysis of the current corporate culture to identify its strengths, weaknesses and implicit norms and values. This can be done through interviews, employee surveys, workshops and other methods of analysis. The goal is to gain a comprehensive picture of the existing culture.

Vision and value development

We work with the company to define a clear vision and shared values that align with the company's strategic direction. This vision and values serve as a guide for the desired cultural change.

Cultural Transformation

Based on the culture analysis and the defined vision and values, we develop a customized plan for transforming the corporate culture. This may involve introducing new behaviors, processes, communication channels or structures to promote the desired culture.

Employee engagement

We support companies in involving their employees in the change process and encouraging their commitment. This includes communications, training, workshops, and other participatory methods to ensure that employees understand, support, and actively participate in the changes.

Leadership Development

We work with leaders to strengthen their role in shaping and promoting the desired culture. This includes developing the leadership skills of Leading Myself, Leading Others, Leading Systems, promoting communication and collaboration and supporting managers in implementing cultural change.

Change Management

We accompany the company throughout the change process and provide support in identifying and overcoming resistance, adapting structures and processes, and monitoring and adjusting progress.

Our goal in the area of cultural change and transformation is to foster a supportive and positive corporate culture that meets the strategic goals and challenges of the organization. We work closely with clients to develop customized solutions and enable sustainable change.

Get to know our work


Once a year, we meet with a maximum of 100 change and transformation experts to work together on becoming better at change and transformation.



Are you responsible for the dynamics of culture and change in your organization? We have found that an external perspective is very helpful in the transformation process. is.
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Training to become a


LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is an innovative, creative and super versatile method for solving problems and finding ideas. By using LEGO® bricks, complex issues are visualized and structured in a playful way.


We are currently working hard to be able to offer you training as a transformation facilitator and architect in the future.

The Team

Daniel Ullrich Transformation & Change Strategist | Managing DirectorTransformation & Change Strategist | Managing Director WORC GmbH Member of the Advisory Board Co-Founder & Superhero Visiting Lecturer
Daniel Ullrich
Sven Echzeller Managing Director, Organizational Development Architect WORC GmbH
Sven Echzeller
Niklas Frewel Transformation & Leadership Development Consultant | Organizational Psychologist Senior Consultant & Key Account Manager WORC GmbH
Niklas Frewel *
Marcel Häbold Experte für menschenzentrierte Transformation - Resilienz & psychische Gesundheit - Gesunde Teams
Marcel Häbold *
Andreas Schmitz
Andreas Schmitz *
Nils Olejniczak Systemische Organisationsentwicklung, Team- und Einzelcoaching, Mediation. New Work, New Leadership und agiles Arbeiten.
Nils Olejniczak *
Sven Echzeller Managing Director, Organizational Development Architect WORC GmbH
Sven Echzeller
Dr Miriam Knöbel Profilerin | Speakerin | Expertin für Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik, Change und Kulturwandel Senior Consultant für Transformation, Change Management, Kulturwandel und HR · WORC GmbH Partnerin und Ausbildungsleitung BEYOS GmbH · Freiberuflich
Dr. Miriam Knöbel
Gesunde Teams Anna Schmidt Systemische Organisationsberaterin & Coach DozentinDozentin HMKW Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft
Anna Schmidt *
Jule Deges
Jule Deges *
Senior Change & Transformation Consultant, WORC GmbH
Lisa Mitgös *
Katharina Großmann Veränderung erlebbar machen #WandelDerArbeit #Arbeitskultur Senior Consultant für Transformation, Change Management, Kulturwandel und HR · WORC GmbH
Katharina Grossmann
Verena Schaad *
Christiane Ballon Büroleitung WORC GmbH
Christiane Ballon
Christina Meurer Lean & Agile Coach / Scrum Master
Christina Meurer *

*Independent network partner of WORC

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